Thursday, December 20, 2007

L. Ian Macdonald on CBC-Gate

I know we're all busy getting ready for Christmas, but please take a minute to read L. Ian Macdonald's piece in the Post today - Look Who's Talking (En Anglais).

Great update on CBC-Gate and a bonus Pablo Rodriguez smackdown!

Oh, and he gets a shot in at Paul Szabo too.

Nice way to relax after a long night of wrapping.

* * * *
Steve Janke - CBC Reporters, Liberals, and Double-Standards.

Interesting how the CBC is quick to divulge names in some circumstances, but not others...

John Oakley: Who do you find less unsavoury? Brian Mulroney or the CBC?

The Black Rod - Bloggers out Krista Erickson as CBC-Liberal collusion suspect.

A view from the other side of the fence - So much Szabo, so little space - X Marks the Spot.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of "double-standards" - it was interesting to watch Global last night when Tara Nelson was announcing the year end interview with Stephan Harper.

Then she added - and this year, we will be adding an interview with the leader of the opposition.

Hmmmmmm - Does anyone remember SH having a "year end" interview with Global when he was leader of the opposition??

Anonymous said...

Christmas or not, we still take time to read the blogs. Thanks for writing them and keeping us up to date.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Thanks for writing them and keeping us up to date.

Thanks, Ruth. I wish I had more time. There's so much more I'd like to write about. Jonathan Kay had a great (unrelated to the CBC story) piece in the Post recently on Tribalism, and I think he really nailed it. Complex issue though, so maybe I'll revisit it after Christmas when I can do it justice.

Anonymous said...

L. Ian MacDonald (former speechwriter for Mulrony) is a Mulroney apoloigist - quite sickening how he looks up with some sort of man-crush whenever he speaks about him.

Hmmm....he doesn't talk about isotopes or anyting of important - just crap like Loreen looks good in jeans and a fancy dress.

About Global - maybe they haven't done PM year end interviews before - they are owned by CanWest - a totally conservative news organization.

Anonymous said...

"About Global - maybe they haven't done PM year end interviews before - they are owned by CanWest - a totally conservative news organization"

Well if that makes it OK for you go right on thinking that, the fact remains, they have done interviews before and I also take exception to your assertion they are a "conservative" news organization. I guess it depends on your perception.

Me - Every time Hannah Boudreau gets that condescending tone in her voice when she talks about what "may" have happened or what the Tories "might" have done, I want to puke.

Mary HInes said...

Notice the liberal replies to this blog... "Anonymous".... they can't even publish their name, they are so ashamed!... maybe, it could be Pablo..... but it is nice to know if that be the case, we have one reporter who tells it as it is! We do not have any other, it was disgusting how the Bureau Chief of CTV who interviewed our Prime Minister said over and over today on CTV newsnet..... when he was asked about his numbers, he made the comment the Prime Minister said when the election is called, etc. and then he said blah...blah... blah... I thought this was extremely distasteful to describe our Prime Minister in his year end comments as blah...blah... blah... I immediately emailed CTV... it is okay for dion to get on and openly lie about emissions in Norway going down... never corrected when interviewed by Richardson the other night... Wednesday a report came out from the UN... Norway's emissions are going up and they will not make Kyoto targets... but that is okay.. but to describe our Prime Minister's replies as blah...blah...blah... action should be taken... and then they wonder why Harper doesn't eat them up....

Anonymous said...

OK, Let's talk about isotopes and important things. Why was there no replacement for a 50 year old nuclear reactor available to replace the current one when problems arose? Obviously since the Liberals are perfect it must have only occurred in the last two years. Why after many years of Liberal perfection, is the wide spread problems and corruption of the RCMP occuring - of course all of it must have started two years ago. Why is it that Liberals are such a hateful bunch of people. They will destroy the country, lie, cheat and steal all for the purpose of getting their grubby hands on the tax monies. Several journalists have noted that Parliment hasn't been so toxic since the Rat Pack days -- guess what! That was the last time Liberals were in opposition. You want something important to talk about - A member of parliment sold/offered/gave his right to question parlimentary witnesses under oath over to a CBC journalist. A CBC journalist felt secure enough in dealing with a Liberal that he/she committed a severe breach of journalistic ethics and was confident enough that a Liberal would participate that he/she provided a question to ask during a parlimentary committee investigation. If that doesn't bother you then you must be a Liberal.

Anonymous said...

Alberta Girl - wake up - CanWest is absolutely a conservative media, openly so, well known, etc., etc.

Harper has a habit of picking who'll he speak to - perhaps the blame lays there.

Who want to watch Harper anyway - not me. He will undoubtedly blame and lie about everyone else for whatever problems he may have - that's a given.

You know this constant whining about liberal media bias is wearing very thin. I know Harper made the statement so you followers will believe it, but really, try to think for yourselves.

Boo hoo, boo hoo - if you don't think everything Harper says or does is okay you are liberal, or liberal bias - kleenex anyone?

Anonymous said...

C'mon there anonymous, you're the one crying.

Of the Canwest chain, NP and the Ottawa Citizen have admitted right tilts.

But the 'entire' Global chain and Global news and Kevin Newman - conservative? Whatever!

CBC News and Nod Dewman has James Travers and Torstar lefty axe grinders on so much, they really should just merge.

The problem that the media has with Harper, any you apparently, is that he exercises choice rather than bow to the group PPG demands.

Suck it up. You got so used to the cozy Liberal/PPG arrangements, when someone interferes, you cry.

Keep the kleenex for yourself.

Anonymous said...

The problem that the media has with Harper, any you apparently, is that he exercises choice rather than bow to the group PPG demands.

No, the problem the media has with Harper is that he is a control freak who uses events that should be about "Canada" to instead push his partisan quest for CPC majority. The majority he can effectively govern as now, but that for some reason is not good enough. He won't answer what he would do with a majority that he can't do now.

The media can only stomach for so long, every single story having a quote somewhere that says "Unlike the previous government"... and the like.

Suck it up. You got so used to the cozy Liberal/PPG arrangements, when someone interferes, you cry.

That is a prime example of the kind of mocking condescending responses we could expect on any and all issues under a Harper majority.

Any questioning of the Leader's Agenda will be met with sneering ("suck it up"), smug talking down ("you got so used to...") and belittlemnt ("you cry").

Keep the kleenex for yourself.
You forgot to suggest some cheese for that whine. I will only need the kleenex to weep for my country if Harper gains a majority and sells this second rate country down the river.

Keep the Karl Rovian poisoning of the well of discourse for yourself.

Or don't. I think it is not so important now, we're on to you and the nation is waking up.