Saturday, September 15, 2007

Re: Caledonias in the future - The real problem

Check out this CHML link:

Click on Caledonia - Will it ever end?

Scott hones in on the real issue at the heart of the native file - their own discord regarding leadership.

Not to let McGuinty off the hook here. He's responsible for keeping the peace - and doing a pathetic job of it.

* * * *

SDA links to this Globe article with the following chilling statement:

Joe Gualtieri said Ontario Provincial Police officers on the site "stood there, and they did not intervene" until after the beating, when the attackers had fled.

Enter Ontario at your own risk.

This quote from the same Globe link underlines the lack of control within the native community:

Six Nations hereditary chief Allen MacNaughton said in an interview that the confederacy council, which is trying to negotiate an understanding with Ventures Homes Ltd., the company that owns Stirling South, was surprised by the protesters.

"The confederacy was not aware of the movement," Mr. MacNaughton said.

He said that the chiefs tried yesterday to talk the protesters into leaving the site, but "the people there are not listening to us at this time."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Caledonia - Will it ever end?" - Not with Dolton McGuinty and the Liberals in power.