Saturday, February 10, 2007

So-Cons Need Not Apply

After criticizing Stephane Dion for excluding men in some Liberal riding nominations, in all fairness I should mention this article from Lifesite.

Heather Stilwell was apparently rejected on the basis of a 'technicality'.

I find it disturbing, yet I can see the political strategy behind it. In any case, it is a very sad sign of our times. I wonder what would have happened if she had been a visible minority?

* * * *

Update: Actually, I just had a brainstorm! Heather Stilwell should try running as a Liberal. Lots of So-cons there (Szabo, Wappel, McTeague, Steckle...)

Make Stephane Dion put his campaign money where his PC mouth is!

* * * *

Update: Heather is back! Good. Let the people decide. The CPC needs more women anyway.


Red Tory said...

LOL. Good on you for reporting it.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

What's this? No complaints about the source this time? ;)

Flognuts said...

Pragmatism. Or to use a communist expression "to make an omelette you first must break eggs". We cannot hold sway in this land by allowing what the masses see as the "fringe crazies" to sully our mien.
Randy White cost us an election. Period. If you wish wholesale changes to be wrought in Canada you are dreaming. Liberals know this. Incremental changes so tiny you cannot see are all we can hope for, Remember, our COnservatives are supposedly to the "left" of the American's Democrats ! THat's where the masses obviously wish them to be.
So suck it up. Or revert to being a fringe advocacy rump with a few hide bound morals to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Winning is better. Far better. We had to ditch the red tories simply to prove we were different (never mind their mind numbing moral certitude and incompetence [like that Joe Clark. why can't he crawl off some place ? I see him with this triple chin got a nice sinecure at McGill to lash out at us now ?] What a bitter little man with a wife that wouldnt take his name!) Anyway . Thats the deal.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Incremental changes so tiny you cannot see are all we can hope for

Yes, I know. That is the reality.

Anonymous said...

Problem is you can also lose a lot of people who voted tory in the last election. My guy is in Boudrias old riding, first con for approx 76 years. He has a majority of 200. Think about it, and suck that up.

Spinks said...

Um, didn't Garth Turner say last week that the CPC was a far-right party? Just asking.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

A Moonbat like her would not be welcomed into the liberal fold based on her values.

How do you guys plan to get rid of your existing So-Cons?

Anonymous said...

Everybody who disagrees with the Liberal line is crazy, right cherniak? Taxes will be going up to build lots of psych wards if the Liberals get in power. And just think of how much less CO2 will be produced if they're locked up instead of driving around. Now we know how Dion's going to meet the Kyoto targets.

Brian in Calgary said...

So, cherniak_wtf, according to you, what is the difference between a so-con and a moonbat? Please enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

Cherniak, I have no problem paying for what I use, I do have a problem paying extra. The high price of oil is simply the result of OPEC. Venezuala domestic prices are the lowest in the world, far below cost but Chavez is one of the leaders in urging higher prices on the world market. Hydro prices in Ontario are already higher than they should be because of mismanagement by the old government monopoly.
What we don't need is a higher prices because of a fraud called Kyoto. You claimed that there would be a geometricly increasing temperature rise from increased CO2 emissions in a post while I was moving. Absolutly impssible. In fact the truth is that additional CO2, or any other greenhouse gas raises temperature in a geometically decreasing manner. If a given amount of gas raises the temperature one degree adding the same amount of gas again will raise the temperature about one half a degree. If the amount of CO2 we have put into the atmosphere has raised the temperature about 0.6 degrees we can put as much CO2 into the atmosphere as we want and the temperature will only rise about 0.6 degrees. Thre will be no great negative results from this small temperature rise.
The global warming scare is no more valid than any other enviormental scare that the left has promoted. The enviornment was supposed to be destroyed by chenmicals by the year 2000. The non renewable natural resources were to run out by 2000. We were supposed to run out of oil by 2000. These and others have been promoted by the left, none of which came true, none of which had any scientific basis. But the left keeps saying we'll save you, believe in us, we are your salvation, we'll save you from your sins. Sounds just like some religions I could name.

Anonymous said...

How do you guys plan to get rid of your existing So-Cons?

Hopefully firing them out of a canon, but whatever method we select will be good enough for me, but I digress.

On another interesting note, you might look at another one of your noted so-con's, David Sweet.

As you know, since closing down my blog I've been laying the ground work to ensure that Sweet loses his seat, but it seems that the CPC is going to be doing the work for me. They tried to block his nomination, but he got the riding association to agree to bump it up by a month. The CPC realizing that they are out of options that way is set to offer him a government position - chair of some urban infrastructure renewal project (or something along those lines). In the mean time, Sweet has been prohibited from appearing in public. The PMO cancelled six of his upcoming engagements and two media interviews (the Spec and the Dundas star).

Harper is cleaning house. Can't say I blame him either, if you want to have the appearence of a moderate party, you should at least ensure that you do actually have some moderates running for you.

I'm not too sure what your concern over this person being barred is. It works out better for you side if the CPC hugs the middle ground and purges their ranks of these people. You might pick up seats this way and you can get your additional GST point knocked off, although your pet issues, such as SSM and "gayness" being taught in schools will still remain.


Joanne (True Blue) said...

Zac, thanks for the info about Sweet. I forgot that he is Conservative. When I was writing this particular post the Gov't MP site was down. I usually check stuff like that before posting.

I'm not too sure what your concern over this person being barred is.

Tactically, it is a smart move. I just feel that a whole segment of society is being silenced. That's all.

Anonymous said...

I just feel that a whole segment of society is being silenced. That's all.

They are. There really is no denying that.

The situation with the Canadian electorate is that the big prize is the centre. Parties on the extreme left or right, cannot make inroads and because of this any party that wishes to form a government must conform to the ideological whim of the electorate.

The CPC will not champion your causes because they found out a while ago that you can either yell from the sidelines and participate in the game. There's other parties such as the Christian Heritage Party that will advance issues like anti-ssm and anti-abortion, but they will never win a government, let alone a seat.


Joanne (True Blue) said...

The CPC will not champion your causes because they found out a while ago that you can either yell from the sidelines and participate in the game.

That is the cold hard truth. We really don't have a serious party on the right any more - just various shades of centrist moving left.

Changed the post a bit, BTW (re: Sweet).

Neal Ford said...

Heather Stilwell has informed me that hey 'have reconsidered" and are now going to allow her to contest the nomination.

She is no moonbat. She once led a national political party, and is well informed on a variety of issues.

Nevertheless, knowing what I know about politics and political parties, the message was clear that they don't want her, so it follows that they will do everything in their power to make sure she loses.

And she has no doubt been required to sign a waiver promising not to run against the winner of the nomination should she lose, so sadly she will not be able to run as an independent once again for the Christian Heritage Party.

Could it be that winning the nomination would be a curse, since she would be effectively muzzled on many issues which are important to her, and her constituents?

Brian in Calgary said...

Good start to a joke....
Are you telling us Bryan that they are the same thing?

Actually, cherniak_wtf, I was being serious. You did, after all, say this yesterday, "Joanne, there is a difference between a so-con and a Moonbat..."

I agree with you, so obviously, there is common ground between us. I simply would like you to enlighten the rest of us as to what you see as that difference.

Anonymous said...

We really don't have a serious party on the right any more - just various shades of centrist moving left

I smell another reform party comin'.

She is no moonbat

Including policy that would re-criminalize homosexuality when leader of the CHP, attempting to ban books on native spirituality from public schools while a trustee in surrey (describing native religions as "heathen"), and attempting to ban sex ed and any acknowledgement of same sex couples in schools?

Yeah, she's certainly no moon bat.

I'm very glad that the CPC has reconsidered. This should prove to be quite fun.


Joanne (True Blue) said...

Zac, you're right on top of things! You should keep blogging. I'll have to update this post. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's kind of scary that they tried to ban her. I'm glad they let her back in. We have already lost a right-wing party in Ontario and are now losing one nationally, or so it would seem.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

We have already lost a right-wing party in Ontario and are now losing one nationally, or so it would seem.

That's true. It sounds like the CPC had second thoughts, but it is still alarming.

Neal Ford said...

Here we find some info that would confirm my suspicions about why the "conservative" party may have "reconsidered".


Acording to the blogs Langley Politics and Lost in Surrey:

According to Lost in Surrey:

Stilwell has a huge fight ahead of her. We last reported Paul Brar had more than 3,000 members signed up, we are now hearing that number is more than 5,000.

Stilwell has described her sign ups as in the hundreds.

Langley Politics says:

Stilwell's papers have been accepted. I guess they figure Heather can't win. [One of her opponents] Paul Brar has signed up 12,000 members. 12,000!

UPDATE: I am getting more indications that this is indeed the case, and she is in the running.

UPDATE: There could be more to this story...stay tuned!
Posted by SUZANNE at 11:41 PM 0 comments Links to this post