Sunday, February 25, 2007

Caledonia Update

As the one year anniversary of the Caledonia dispute draws near, Kate has an inconvenient truth posted - "It's time for the politically incorrect truth to be told".

Just for the record, the Feds have said that the claim is invalid.

However, there is a breaking news link on the main Hamilton Spectator page at the moment titled "Caledonia resolution not coming soon..." I'm not even going to try to link to it, because those Torstar breaking news links are so frustrating.

However, Monday's Spectator does promise extensive coverage of the upcoming Happy Anniversary, which I'm sure all the townsfolk will be busy celebrating.

* * * *

Monday Update: CTV - No quick end to Caledonia dispute... Mayor Marie Trainer says, "Despair has set in".

Check the Spectator all this week for articles (click 'Local').


Anonymous said...

Joanne -- Left you a follow-up comment on my blog. But, the Hamilton Spectator article is just amazing! I read every word and couldn't believe the way they put the reality out there. No political correctness there. But as you implied on SDA, no one is going to do a thing, and at some point, there'll be a settlement -- where there shouldn't be one. The fear is that if this claim is denied, there will be difficulties of a similar nature all across the Nation. We need to deal with this -- particularly in light of the supposed Human Rights Claim that is being threatened. Where does it end? (By the way, this is my third try, the word verification and password is acting up.Will try using Other.)

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Ah, stupid blogger.

Anonymous said...

Hi again, I hope it works this time. I imagine my visitors get the same problems on my blog. I just put up a post about the "apology" that won't go away and linked to your blog. Like to let bloggers know when I do that. I probably am in the minority -- but hey, it may get a good discussion going.

Anonymous said...

Bloggers will eventually be the force that slow the charge of the "Indian Industry". Lawyers are making milions on these claims. Someone will have to stand up and say..Enough Already!
Hopefully it will be sooner than later.

OMMAG said...

The Hamilton Spectator piece confirms and reiterates much of what I have had to say about this from the start.
In addition to the question of Six Nations legal status there is the fact that the clans who did inhabit and use the lands often granted rights of use and occupancy to European settlers. Both my matriarchal and patriarchal ancestors made such deals.
If I were able to apply the native
group's logic to my case I could claim several hundred acres of the Grand River watershed as my ancestral heritage!

In short the native groups have been rewriting history to support claims that have NO legal merit!

Joanne (True Blue) said...

PGP - Check this out!

OMMAG said...

Ha! what a loaded question too!

As if force was the only alternative to the Globe's 3 other witless suggestions!

If one assumes these are people who depend on the rag for information then 63% of them are grossly uninformed or just plain deluded.

Let's go back and evaluate Dimbulb McPersonality's justification for using Ontario Taxpayer's money to BUY the property!
What was that about? "Blah Blah Blah ~Legitimate~ blah blah ~Rights~ blah blah ~responsibility~

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Let's go back and evaluate Dimbulb McPersonality's justification for using Ontario Taxpayer's money to BUY the property!

That was how he did his job of "keeping the peace". If I had used that principle with my kids, they'd be criminals by now.

OMMAG said...

You say...""That was how he did his job of "keeping the peace". If I had used that principle with my kids, they'd be criminals by now.""

No Irony....he did and they ( the protesters) are!

Joanne (True Blue) said...

No Irony....he did and they ( the protesters) are!

Yeah, no kidding!

"Now dear, you can't just go and take that new video game, but here.. Let me pay for it and we'll just take it home and then we'll talk about who it really belongs to".