Thursday, September 28, 2006

We Want Iggy!

Daimnation just posted We Want Bob! in reference to the article in today's Star, Memo shows Tories fear Ignatieff most.

Maybe we need to change our tactics here though. Let the Grits think we're more worried about Bob Rae, so they steer clear of Iggy.

I don't think we have anything to be concerned about though. Considering that Iggy seems to be the only one with a centrist viewpoint, the radical left-wingers will ensure he is left in the dust - which will be good for the CPC.

Not so good for Canada.

UPDATE: Rae thinks it's a ruse!!! (Star)


Red Tory said...

We should stop reading the same paper... ;-)

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Red, you're up awfully early for a West-Coaster!

Red Tory said...

My circadian rhythms are totally screwed up.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

*Sigh* Red, I hear ya!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a double reverse. With Rae surging the CPC throws a wrench into the works and gives Iggy a boost. Gotta confess though, I think Rae works best for a Conservative Majority government.

Mac said...

Messed up sleeping patterns is a modern affliction. In the past couple of years, I've got worse and worse to the point where I'm almost a walking zombie at times. Fatigue invades every aspect of your life. My quack recommended trying to use melatonin to jumpstart the rhythms. So far, so good. It's available OTC at pharmacies if you want to try it.

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting to speculate whether the leaked CPC document is disinformation, or not. Who do they really want to run against? Are they really scared of Iggy? Or do they want to say they are, so we pick him, and they are relieved to run against his baggage?

What is most interesting, though, is the fact that CPC even notices the Liberal leadership process. When Steve became CPC leader, it was much more of a "who cares" kind of side show for anyone outside the party, since there were no former premiers involved (Mike Harris was not as vilified at the time and still considered by many outside the CPC to be capable of winning).

Steve got a huge boost from Adscam, and squeaked in. Strangely enough, the Accountability Act also reduces access to information, which would not prevent another Adscam from happening, but would make it harder for anyone to find out.

I guess Steve assumes he will win, and access to information would just get in the way. He must also realize that his own crew will have as many bad apples that will do bad things as the Liberals did, things that would need to be covered up by reducing access to information.

Anonymous said...

If Iggy means what he says, and there's no way of knowing that - he could be like all the other Liberals, then Canada could easily be in just as bad a state as Bob Rae would put it in - if either of them were ever elected of course.

It's a tough choice for the Liberal Party of Toronto - the most incompetent provincial premier ever, or a political neophyte Harvard perfesser. Too bad Hedy dropped out...