Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Right to choose vs. Right to information

Yesterday's National Post included an interesting article by Andrea Mrozek, Manager of Research and Communications at the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada ("The Hidden Cost of Choice").

She refers to a Times letter where 15 prominent signatories wrote a letter asking the official bodies regulating obstetricians and psychiatrists to revise their guidance on abortion as it pertains to mental health in young women.

This caution to advise women about the risk of adverse psychological harm to women from abortion follows a New Zealand study, showing that "young women who have had abortions exhibit twice the level of mental health problems, and three times the risk of depression, as those who had given birth or never been pregnant."

Accepted wisdom in Canada is that abortion is benign. So too in the U.K., where the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' Web site tells women of limited to no harm from having an abortion. They write that "for most women, an abortion is safer than carrying a pregnancy and having a baby."

In the United States, however, the American Psychological Association had to withdraw their statement on the subject, which cited no evidence of psychological harm to women as a result of abortion, after the New Zealand study was published.

In Canada, there's no statement to withdraw: Since the issue is never even broached, the Canadian Psychological Association has never felt compelled to pronounce on the issue. As a result, we are in an unusual situation vis-a-vis other developed nations: We provide women considering abortion with little health-related research. (On the other hand, perhaps such an anomaly is to be expected: Canada is unique among liberal democracies in that we have no law regulating abortion either.)

Some women even commit suicide.

Ms. Mrozek suggests that Canadian women deserve to be made aware of these risks. "Bad health news on abortion must not be hidden as if it were always a pro-life ploy to thwart women's freedom."

What is the underlying cost to a Canadian women for that unquestioned "right to choose"? It may be her mental health or even her very life.


Zac said...

What is the underlying cost to a Canadian women for that unquestioned "right to choose"?

Until we find out, we should probably ban them.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Yeah, we'll just throw out the baby with the bathwater, shall we? Or in this case, the fetus with the saline solution.

Zac said...

Just wondering what your point is, that's all.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Well I thought it was obvious, Zac.

Every other Western nation has some kind of abortion restriction.In Canada, we have zilch.


Futhermore, "...In Canada, there's no statement to withdraw: Since the issue is never even broached, the Canadian Psychological Association has never felt compelled to pronounce on the issue."

So the irony is that in the act of "protecting" women, we are doing them harm by not providing them with the caution for psychological harm.

But of course, I'm sure that Canadian women are immune from this problem. Right?

Zac said...

I'm sure that Canadian women are immune from this problem.

No, not at all. Depression after an abortion is common, whether it be mild or serious.

So, where's the restriction? 10 weeks? 12 weeks? 15 weeks?

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Zac, we're just discussing if women should be warned about the possibility of debilitating depression as a result of having an abortion - That perhaps it should be a standard medical practice (if the FemiNazis would allow that).

Zac said...

I thought that that would be a given?

I would imagine that having an abortion is a very tough decision to make. Certainly one that is not made easily. The package of information that the doctor gives you is massive and rivals the assigned reading for most university seminar courses, its a shame that such mental health information is not included.

It should be though. It can weigh very heavily on your mind, even for years to come.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Exactly. So why hasn't the CPA ever felt the need to make an official stand on this issue?

Is there an official protocol? The author of the Post piece seems to allude to the possibility that mental health risks are not covered.

Zac said...

Perhaps the CPA would like to do more research to establish a clear link before they deliver their conlclusion. Or perhaps they simply don't want to enter the debate.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Or perhaps they simply don't want to enter the debate.

And why would that be?

Zac said...

I dunno...

It's a touchy issue that most don't like to touch with a ten foot pole?

Joanne (True Blue) said...

That's right. The Hippocratic oath just doesn't stand up against the wrath of the feminists.

Hey, fun sparring with ya again, Zac.
Going to read now, but come back again, soon, O.K.?

Zac said...

Going to read now, but come back again, soon, O.K.?

"Tax Me, I'm Canadian" I presume?

Kidding :)

Joanne (True Blue) said...

lol! Actually, I'm reading something suggested by Jason Bo Green. Excellent book.

Zac said...

If you want a good book (and a non-political one), check out "Down To This" by Shaugnessy Bishop-Stall.

It's a diary of his time living in Toronto's infamous tent city. Very well done. It reads fast too, you could probably get it done in a quiet afternoon...if you could stay off the blogs that is.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

It reads fast too, you could probably get it done in a quiet afternoon...if you could stay off the blogs that is.

Yes, that is a problem for me.. But thanks for the tip. I may try it as a way of curbing this addiction.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

CWTF - I don't have the figures on that, do you? In any case, it seems to me that the dangers of post-partum depression is not a hidden risk. It is something that most doctors warn their patients about, and they are encouraged to seek help if they notice the symptoms.

BTW, abortion leads to murder too; just a little sooner and it is a sure thing.

Sara said...

if the abortion is terminated after 6 months in Canada you can still get maternity leave!

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Sara, are you kidding me? Do you have any links?

Anonymous said...

That's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Does the study also happen to mention other medical effects to abortion? (I could not link to it and read it myself???)

In recent years the medical community has begun linking abortion to breast cancer. Meaning that women/girls who go ahead with the procedure increase their chances substantially in developing breast cancer.

It has become the "Norm" for certain government Klinics to conviently leave out these types of information.

I would be curious to know just how many women would have actually gone thru with their abortions had they been better informed about some the reprucussions you mention in your post.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

X-Lib, thanks. Not sure about this particular study, but yes, there have been studies done linking breast cancer to abortion. Nothing firmly established though.

The pro-choicers would like women to believe that having an abortion is about as risky as getting a tooth pulled.