Monday, August 07, 2006

Two Disturbing Items on this Holiday Monday

Just reading a few blogs here and there. Two items punched me in the gut.

One is a photo of a defaced Canadian flag right here in Ontario. I wonder if this is the real thing, or was that Reuters photographer up to his tricks again?

The other is courtesy of Dr. Roy. It seems that Ms. Magazine is inviting women who have had abortions to sign an on-line petition (and donate cash) to further the cause of a woman's right to "sovereignty over her own body" and of course, to help deflect the inherent feeling of conflict and regret that such a decision might normally produce in a human being with any sense of conscience.

That's right. They don't just want freedom of choice. They want the stigma obliterated from the societal psyche in general.

Let's stand up with pride and declare to the world that we have ended the life within us!


Sara said...

hey I'm back, missed ya. Sorry I was too drunk to read what red tory said. I will tonight we're taking the kids to the beach so i won't have a chance to catch up till later.

Seriously I leave for one weekend and you guys try and kill each other lol...

missed yah, my head still hurts and I got pics bbl

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Seriously I leave for one weekend and you guys try and kill each other lol...

Sara, you forgot to appoint a babysitter for us when you went on your little getaway!

Sara said...

I know but mommy's need a break too!!! lol

I couldn't trust anyone to babysit you guys, I figure you would of tied them up in the basement while I was gone... :)

My eyes are still a bit woozy lol

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Sounds like you had a great time, Sara! Looking forward to hearing more.

Suzanne said...

Isn't interesting that leftwingers will condemn Israel in exercising her sovereignty and killing innocent civilians, but when a woman "exercises her sovereignty" over herself and kills a human being that's perfectly okay?

Jacques Beau Vert said...

I'm all for the safe, legal, and rare idea of abortion (but not late-term), but the phrase "sovereignty over her own body" is silly.

Sometimes I half-think the government should offer a mother $5000 to carry the baby and see it adopted.

Heck - now that I think of it, why don't abortion opponents do the same thing?? That could make some real difference in their cause.

Dammit, I think I just solved a good part of the world's problems. Why doesn't the right start organizing "Adopt a Fetus" programs, so that adoptive parents can offer the mother X sum of dollars, whatever we determine is fair, and then adopt the delivered baby?

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Suzanne, what an incredibly interesting comparison!

Jason, I know you are being facetious, but I would like to respond nonetheless. First of all, I can see where there could be a compromise regarding abortion. I know not everyone will agree with me there. But certainly in the case of a woman's life being in jeopardy; especially a young teen, we need to be able to show some compassion and understanding.

Of course, what you suggest would lead to baby-selling, but many pro-life organizations do offer assistance in terms of helping with adoption or baby clothes, etc.

But I suspect that these types of women would resent having their bodies 'ruined' by pregnancy. It would take an awful lot of money to overcome the 'inconvenience' or having their bodies thusly violated.

(Oh, boy. That should be enough to bait Red Tory!)

Forward Looking Canadian said...

Here we go, abortion is always a really tough issue for people.

Myself, I'm pleased it's legal. I support a woman's right to choose as long as it is an educated choice.

Sometimes abortion is so discouraged that young girls feel cheap and abandoned and end up going to terrible and great lengths to abort a fetus. I'd much prefer if they make the choice, they did it in a safe, free clinic with rules and regulations so that the mother isn't damaged in the process.

Of course I'm against late term abortions and I understand the ethical problems in all of this issue, but I think we A.) need to deal with this issue in a safe, secure manner and B.) think the public and particularly young women need to be seriously taught what an abortion means, and the other options available (adoption etc) and that we should not create an atmosphere of fear around the concept of abortion.

The real problem is sexual education in jr high when young men and women are succeptible to all of these problems. People do not understand the consequences of their actions and that unprotected sex leads to babies, and that even protected sex isn't fool proof.

I often think that the anti-abortion forces would FAR decrease the number of abortions out there if they devoted their efforts to education and highlighting the issues surrounding abortion instead of trying to make it illegal. But that's just me.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Well, Riley. You're right. We've been round and round this issue a thousand times. I was more referencing the "Ms." effort to get women to proudly proclaim their abortions, sort of like notches on a belt - a new kind of 'coming out' as it were.

However, if you have any ideas what can further be done to educate young people to avoid pregnancy, I'm very interested.

Zac said...

Joanne, Ms. Magazine began as a feminist outlet. I don't think any of us should be surprised about this. If the CBC did something along these lines, I would expect a fierce reaction from you, but this a feminist magazine so they're going to push thier ideology. Nothing to get too worked up over, I guess, but then again, as we both know, I have the opposite view of you on this subject, so probably don't share the same feelings about "soverignty over the body" rhetoric.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

but this a feminist magazine so they're going to push thier ideology.

Good point, Zac.

Suzanne said...

What about fetal rights?

Riley wrote:

I'd much prefer if they make the choice, they did it in a safe, free clinic with rules and regulations so that the mother isn't damaged in the process.

If you only knew how feminists fight tooth and nail against these rules and regulations, you would be shocked.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

So, I guess nobody cares about the flag...

O.K. Back to the garden.

Jacques Beau Vert said...

No, I wasn't being facetious, at all. Sorry if I sounded like I was being.

Baby-selling is questionable, sure - but if people think that abortion is questionable, then to them buying babies must not be any less questionable.

I think it could work. Assisting with adoption or baby clothes is nice, but this could be better. A flat offer of 10 grand to let our orphanages have your baby rather than have an abortion seems reasonable.

Just a suggestion.

In other news, I agree with everything Riley said, but me, personally, would accentuate the opposition (mine) to late-term abortions. By that time, if you don't want it, it's adoption-hour. If it's seriously a matter of life of the mother, then a) fine, but b) shouldn't that have been brought up earlier?

Joanne (True Blue) said...

If you only knew how feminists fight tooth and nail against these rules and regulations, you would be shocked.

What do you mean, Suzanne?

Jason, sorry, I didn't mean to make light of your comment. Um, how would you prevent women from deliberately becoming pregnant to get that 10 grand?

Suzanne said...

Joanne, ANY time a regulation is proposed in the States regarding an abortion clinic, it's fought tooth and nail.

If you knew the incompetent abortionists they defend, you would freak.

The whole idea is that if an incompetent abortionist is banned from banning medicine, that will be one less abortion provider to commit abortions. Guys like George Tiller, who has had women die at his clinic, have are defended tooth and nail by feminists. It does not matter if women die because of abortionists, it does not matter that he's hurt women, as long as he provides abortions, the feminists will defend him.

Remember how the feminists defended Clinton, after all sexual harrassment? It's precisely becasue of his veto of PBA bills and support of other feminist crap.

They will defend anyone who supports their choice; they will fight anyone who in any way attempts to regulate that choice, even if it's for things like making such an abortionist has admitting privileges to the local hospital.

Jacques Beau Vert said...

Jason, sorry, I didn't mean to make light of your comment.

Hey, no worries - I didn't think you were.

Um, how would you prevent women from deliberately becoming pregnant to get that 10 grand?

First off, it's probably easier than preventing abortion.

Second, if they do - great, more power to them. It's worth $10 000 to have more Canadian babies.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

It's worth $10 000 to have more Canadian babies

Jason, I never thought of it that way! Brilliant!

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Suzanne, thanks. I had no idea all that was going on.

BTW, I tried leaving a comment at your site, but it was returned (?).

Mac said...

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some of our first nations decided to deface the Canadian flag. Most likely, the idea would come from some of the agitators who normally reside south of the border where flag worship is almost required for citizenship. I expect they're hoping for media coverage since they've dropped off the front page of late.

They'll have a desperate last push for ratings before the summer ends since the first sign of winter will end their protest. They might be dedicated to their protest but they're not that dedicated!

Abortion? I thought we beat that topic to death already. Anyone who says resurrection isn't possible hasn't watched the abortion debate!!

I thought you and RT agreed to disagree, although somewhat less politely than that.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Mac, I was picking up on Dr. Roy's post, but yes, you're right. We've heard from just about everyone on this.

And still nothing changes.

OMMAG said... long as the spoiled and snott nosed children are allowed to behave like the nasty little thugs they are....there will continue to be a problem. It's all about having order ( law&order ) and until the law is enforced and order sustained the citizens of Caledonia will suffer.

As for this ridiculous action by Ms. mag.

The lib/left cannot stand to have their cherished assumptions or pet institutions challenged.

When it comes to moral positions,deep down they all know they are faking it and the institutions that thrive on the lame ideology like Ms. Magazine need to ramp up the rhetoric to sustain their own existence.

That being said I think that the issue of abortion rights is a serious one that niether shallow liberal boosterism from media or knee jerk reactions from social conservative corners will resolve in any way.
In fact this is an issue for which there is no resolution.
Anyone who is disturbed by the fact of these unfortunate events needs to realize that the act of abortion is a personal choice of the woman involved. If any woman who makes this choice does so without a full appreciation of the seriousness of the decision then that is her failing.
On the other hand anyone who makes an attempt to glorify or trivialize such an act is a sick and deficient person.

So bottom line from my POV is that while abortion is a hot button for a lot of people there is no reason for either demonizing or trivializing those who are directly effected by these circumstances.

Candace said...

"Um, how would you prevent women from deliberately becoming pregnant to get that 10 grand?"

ROFLMAO - much as I adore my daughter, I for one did NOT enjoy pregnancy much. It would take at LEAST a million to go through that and not keep the end result.

And Jason has a good point.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

It would take at LEAST a million to go through that and not keep the end result.

Mmm.. This may be a good topic for another day. How much would you have to be paid to have a baby and then give it up?

Jacques Beau Vert said...

It would take at LEAST a million to go through that and not keep the end result.

Ha ha Candace!! I was inclined to say something similar, but ... I wouldn't be speaking from experience.


Sara said...

it is being done right now, dads are offering the moms money to keep the baby instead of aborting it... fathers and fetus have rights too..

problem is people will lie for the money, get pregnant for the hell of it to collect the cash,, it wouldn't work but it is a grand gesture for the cause, I commend you on the idea of it :)

Candace said...

joanne: "How much would you have to be paid to have a baby and then give it up?"

At least a million, as previously stated.

Check your email.

Joanne (True Blue) said...

At least a million, as previously stated.

Thanks, Candace. I appreciate getting emails from regular readers.

Yeah, I think most women would find that a difficult thing to do. I could never understand how a woman could be a surrogate mother unless she was doing it for a sister or someone she loved that couldn't have kids. Even then it would be so hard.

Sara said...

it is hard,,, but a lot of women realize it is harder not to be able to have children.