Yesterday I was at my workout class, trying to lose some of that stubborn mid-section excess that seems to be stuck on with crazy glue. We were doing our regular high/low impact routines, and I was trying to keep up as usual.
I am not the picture of grace or coordination at the best of times, but with these classes my brain struggles to tell the rest of my body what to do. I must have some fundamental disconnect somewhere along the line. I try so hard: Is this my right side? Oh, no the other right...
And just forget the grape-vine.
Anyway, the instructor decided to have us all form a circle and start power-walking. Not too much of a problem - just follow the one ahead. Then she had us speed things up faster and faster, until we were jogging; then running. I found that we were bunched up in one section so I ploughed ahead in front of the others to get some room.
Then I felt it - that incredible runner's high! It was awesome. I was running way ahead of the pack and had limitless energy. It was that rare moment of being in "the zone"; mind and body operating in seamless efficiency. Endorphins were exploding from my brain!
I could have kept running forever, but we had to slow things down and move on to the weights. However, the rest of the class I was at the top of my game. I was an athlete!
If only that old tyrant of a high school gym teacher could see me now.
OK - we want to see the video!
lol!! Me in work-out gear? I don't think so!
Well, I'm not sure I could out-run you, Debi. ;)
Exercise does give you a tremendous lift though.
know that this is off topic but I just had to put my thoughts into type.
Speaking as a conservative Christian, entirely in my own thoughts about the DaVinci code, it seems to me that Hollywood having failed to break through the bible believing evangelical stronghold are now trying to get in the back way through this book and movie. In taking on the person of Christ they have touched the very nerve center of out faith. Speaking as a born-again believer Catholic, I can say that many Catholics are nominal believers and this controversy may force many of them to go to the bible, since God spreads his amazing life through his word to make it alive to any and all heart-felt seekers, to find answers. See :John 7-37-39
To all whom hope to reinforce their unbelief, this book and movie will only re-enforce their unbelief but to those who are truly earnestly wanting to know the truth, it can be the open door to those seeking to know Christ and his reality. To all who know him He is a living reality.
So what Brown and Hooey-wood meant for harm, God can take and remake individual lives living for Him into a long term eternity based all time best sellers living forever.
(He is a better high than any high exercise can give you!)
Interesting comments, Mary. Thank you.
On the issue of exercise, I would think that God wants us to take care of our bodies too. ;)
Vicki, I was deliberately avoiding this topic, because I think it just makes people run out and buy the book; see the movie, etc.
But now it's out there, so blog on folks!
Thank you for your affirmation Vicki.
In answer to your questions I posted something on the Christian Conservative blog that I will repeat here as I think that it speaks to what so many of us Christians are feeling now. So here it is:
I know that this is off topic but I just had to put my thoughts into type.
Speaking as a conservative Christian, entirely in my own thoughts about the DaVinci code, it seems to me that Hollywood having failed to break through the bible believing evangelical stronghold are now trying to get in the back way through this book and movie. In taking on the person of Christ they have touched the very nerve center of out faith. Speaking as a born-again believer Catholic, I can say that many Catholics are nominal believers and this controversy may force many of them to go to the bible, since God spreads his amazing life through his word to make it alive to any and all heart-felt seekers, to find answers. See :John 7-37-39
To all whom hope to reinforce their unbelief, this book and movie will only re-enforce their unbelief but to those who are truly earnestly wanting to know the truth, it can be the open door to those seeking to know Christ and his reality. To all who know him He is a living reality.
So what Brown and Hooey-wood meant for harm, God can take and remake individual lives living for Him into a long term eternity based all time best sellers living forever.
Sorry everyone! I posted the same post that I posted here. Here is the post I posted on the Christian Conservative site.
I know that this is off topic but I just had to put my thoughts in type.
The DaVinci code book and movie will spark new life into Christian Conservatives and give them a new reason to hang together against the left leaning liberals, whether they be here in Canada or in the U.S.
When Hollywood thought that in taking aim at the figure of Christ and in trying to break the Christian stronghold they did not realize that they were going to bring about a rallying cry for the Christian Conservatives. By attacking Christ, the Christian Conservatives now realize that anything Hollywood stands for, or says, or who Hollywood endorses for political office is going directly against what they stand for. So what Hollywood hoped to achieve is falling flat on it’s face and has become a rallying cry for Christian Conservatives to keep the faith and sink anything hooey-wood stands for especially the left-leaning liberals.
Dear Vicki
I have been thinking and praying about this post. I thank you for your kind and encouraging words to me. Any wisdom I have comes from the Lord and I give him full credit for that. I have been walking with him for about 20 plus years now. As a nominal Catholic before I only heard the scriptures read on Sunday and only the ones that applied to that Sunday. Since my personnel encounter with Jesus, my NIV One year Bible has become my personal handbook for living each and every day. It has become a light that illumines my mind, through which Jesus speaks to me and helps me understand what life is all about. My personal feeling is that without the God inspired scriptures you cannot understand the immensity of what is happening in this world of today. Good and evil are locked in a mortal combat today.
My feeling is that the world is getting more and more wicked. It is hard for a Christian to exist in this world. We know in our hearts what is right & wrong, what is wicked & what is the good thing to do, but we live in an ever changing, wickedly evolving world. And when I say evolving I mean the evolution of neutrality turning toward evil. What I mean is the natural tendency of mankind if left alone is to wax more & more evil. It is simply called original sin. No one believes in it anymore but it is a very real thing. That is why Jesus came and through his death & resurrection, destroy, the works of the devil. But secular mankind doesn’t believe that anymore. They attribute going bad to all kinds of things, if we fix this then that wouldn’t happen etc. But until sin has run its full course no one will be free of its effects. Look at the excuses in the world today and in the name of freedom of expression we have Madonna raised up on a cross, we have the Dan Brown’s of the world casting doubt upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, And to show you how double minded they are what do you think would happen if Dan Brown wrote a book discrediting Mohammed or wrote about his sex life? Would they dare to make that movie? In today’s world we have terrorists, we have natural disasters and we have the freedom of the internet to use it for good or evil. And evil is casting its net trying to pull in and destroy the innocence of our children and thereby doing permanent lifelong damage to innocent minds and lives. Also in the name of choice we have the most innocent of lives being destroyed. Addictions abound to alcohol, drugs & sex, especially of men trapped in pornography where the addictions take over more and more of their lives until they hit the brick wall and something disastrous happens to destroy their lives and the lives of others. So it is in our world of confusion in this day. But I say hold on to what you know is good and true & wonderful in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for he said “I will never leave you or forsake you!” For we know that in our lives in the end there will be many signs to let us know what is coming and it is He that is coming for us. When or how we do not know but we, who are his, know deep down in our hearts that He is true to his word and his word is true that He will not abandon us. So, work while it is light for the darkness will come but the light will overcome the darkness, keep your inner lamp lit and rejoice in Him for He is true and He lights our way before us. John 16:33 says “I tell you all this that in me you may find peace. You will suffer in the world, but take courage! I have overcome the world.” Keep the faith Vicki, the promise of eternal life awaits us believers, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard , no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” See, NIV 1 Corinthians Ch. 2, V.6-10. AND WE WIN IN THE END!
I enjoy your input so much, so please don't stay away. You lend so much sanity to the posts! I am sure that you can do both very well!
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