Well, it seems that the anticipated brouhaha in Caledonia never actually materialized, which is a big relief for all concerned.
But apparently there is still a great deal of tension. According to the Hamilton Spectator, native flags greatly outnumbered the Canadian ones, which I suppose is not surprising, given the hostility.
Meanwhile, a loyal reader sent me this pic which says it all regarding the handling of the whole fiasco! (Well, I guess Dalton should be in there too.)
Wednesday Update: Dalton in the real estate business (H/T Small Dead Animals)
It kinda looks like the one of the right is gonna hurl...
Mac - lol! Maybe that one's McGuinty! Thanks, BTW. ;)
"native flags greatly outnumbered the Canadian ones, which I suppose is not surprising, given the hostility."
It's all good!!
huh? Ottawa Core, is there something there that needs to be clarified?
Jail the insurgents.
huh? certainly is indicative of my confusion.
i don't get the analogy between the number of flags and the hostility. i'm not sure what literary device is being used but it's a brain jarring attempt. how can the amount of flags (predominantly six nations) not surprise you? you seem to draw a parallel between the number of flags and the hostility. who's hostility? between who? more hostility = more flags?
i've been to caledonia just last week. the "hostility" is no where to be found. it's an old and quaint little town which happens to be feeling the surge of development pushing in from Hamilton. it's going through the growing pains from a sleepy postcard town to a commuter paradise. properties are cheap and there's money to be made. pop those doagies down there anywhere you see fit, we needs a place to sleep. ooops, progress may be suspended through native's sensory awareness.
i'm not sure what literary device is being used but it's a brain jarring attempt.
(No sarcasm there.)
My point was simply that I was not surprised that very few Canadian flags were seen flying on the reserves:
At the still-occupied Douglas Creek Estates, native flags flew instead of the Canadian flags decorating the rest of the town.
One 40-year-old protester, who wished to be identified only as Kevin, said the holiday meant little more to him than a break from work.
The longtime Six Nations reserve resident and construction worker added he had seen only a handful of Canadian flags flying on the reserve. (From the Spectator)
I assumed it was because the natives did not see Canada Day as something to celebrate. It was an observation.
As for hostility, it has been there brewing a long time. Things seem to have quieted down a bit, which is good, but according to the article there is still some tension, and things are not back to business as usual.
Ottawa Core, you seem to be very much in favour of native rights, which is admirable. Are you some kind of advocate or are you a native yourself? Just curious.
I've checked out your website, and I find it confusing. Not trying to provoke anything here. Just trying to learn. Thanks.
Joanne, if you go to Caledonia at any time you'll find Six Nations flags outnumber Canada flags.
Zac - Maybe that's what Ottawa Core was trying to say. Thanks. I had trouble deciphering his comment.
As predicted, you appear to be disappointed that nothing happened.
Wow, Red, I didn't know that mind-reading was one of your many accomplishments! You are a gifted fellow!!
I try to read between the lines, Joanne. ;-)
Oh, and I have a turban and an empty mayonnaise jar that's been sitting on Funk & Wagnalls' porch...
I went to ottawa core's site too, I think he is a non-native, but is giving a lot of play to the native point of view. It appears the site is a "news aggregator". In one place I found an article talking about how all of Canada should be governed by the native people, then a later comment that the author was joking. There was a running argument that Canada is not really a sovereign nation but the argument was not well defended.
However, ottawa core came over here with a bit of a chip on his shoulder.
You were commenting on the fact that there were not a lot of Canadian flags flying on the reserve. You said it is not surprising considering the hostility. He claimed he did not understand.
The hostility comes from the mob-like leadership on the reserve, protecting and promoting their business interests. I doubt that Canadian flags are distributed widely there, but I am sure Six Nations flags are given out to everyone. You can choose not to fly it, but other than the band government offices, paying lip service, you will not likely find Canadian flags flying there. Especially in front of homes with nice cars who do not wish to have said cars accessorized with a few bullets.
It's not too different than driving your Toyota to work, when you work at GM Oshawa...
Very interesting comments, Liberal Supporter. I'm glad that someone here has been able to see what I was getting at.
Any "hostility" is likely the result of extremists on both sides, but unfortunately it has affected everyone; even those outside of Caledonia. The premier was slow to step in, allowing the whole thing to become very volatile.
Anyway, thanks for your support, L.S. Are you sure you're liberal?
liberal supporer said: blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum, and by the way what i really wanted to say all along...
The hostility comes from the mob-like leadership on the reserve, protecting and promoting their business interests.
The hostility comes from the mob-like leadership in Caledonia, protecting and promoting their business interests.
i'm not native. unlike a majority of government supporters who must demonize those who would dare question the integrity of their masters, i see the situation from a long view, within an historical perspective of experience.
it seems of little concern to the majority of the conservative blogging community to distinguish themselves from the liberal (socialist) policy of assimilation into the Canadian culture for its first nations' people. i disagree.
of course, if my site and blog has not been conducive to your education on the issue, i'm not capable of coordinating the volumes of supportive documents and articles substantiating a different point of view than that which i see puppetted by the more popular opinion makers.
Ottawa Core, I didn't realize when checking out your blog that it was an aggregator. I was looking for some of your own writing. Hence my confusion. Perhaps you can provide some links.
i see the situation from a long view, within an historical perspective of experience. Could you please elaborate on this?
it seems of little concern to the majority of the conservative blogging community to distinguish themselves from the liberal (socialist) policy of assimilation into the Canadian culture for its first nations' people. I didn't know that the socialist/left view was one of assimilation! I always thought the lefties advocated that we all stay in our little tribes separate from each other; respecting multiculturalism, etc.
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